After a few small changes of the last article I have seen that the current IPFS has been changed to a newer one. Changing is not the acuarate working. A new hash been created and the old one exists too but will not be used anymore. The current one is Qmd1vjCbc5yzndS6TZg9KS5hhPVNyJL2RX8DpxWGD2Jeop which is already outdated after posting this article. How do I have observed this?

  1. First the hash that Fleek is pointing to has been changed on the UI.
  2. Secondary dig +short TXT | sed -E 's/"dnslink=(.*)"/\1/g' is pointing now to /ipfs/Qmd1vjCbc5yzndS6TZg9KS5hhPVNyJL2RX8DpxWGD2Jeop
  3. Third was still showing the old data. Secondary
  4. Fourth ipfs dns is pointing to /ipfs/Qmd1vjCbc5yzndS6TZg9KS5hhPVNyJL2RX8DpxWGD2Jeop too
  5. Fifth ipfs cat /ipfs/Qmd1vjCbc5yzndS6TZg9KS5hhPVNyJL2RX8DpxWGD2Jeop/index.html is showing up-to-date data.

So that

  1. for all new data will be a new IPFS hash created
  2. Fleek is pointing after every update to the current/latest IPFS hash. This is how Fleek is ensuring the latest page will shown.